BestPrice XGC-1e - Xtreme Greenhouse Controller
The Complete Greenhouse Controller and the Xtreme Greenhouse Controller handle every aspect of an indoor garden, from the lighting and exhaust, to the supplemental CO2. The Complete Greenhouse Controller features a 24 hour time clock, 2 outlets for lights, 2 outlets for exhaust fans, thermostat and humistat for temperature and humidity control, 2 pump outlets controlled by a cycle timer, and 2 outlets for supplemental CO2 controlled by a cycle timer. It ensures that CO2 production turns off while the exhaust is on and at night. The Xtreme Greenhouse Controller is identical to the Complete Greenhouse Controller, except for the addition of Fuzzy Logic CO2 PPM control built in Fuzzy Logic can be compared to a good driver; as a good driver approaches a red light, he or she applies the brakes to gradually slow down BEFORE getting to the intersection. Fuzzy Logic uses the same idea to keep the CO2 level at your desired setting, without going over the set point. Rated for 15 amps, and has a 5 year no hassle manufacturers warranty. C.A.P. Xtreme Greenhouse Controller
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